Workplace Inclusion Assessments

Want to significantly improve your workplace inclusion?

Inclusive Behaviour Assessment Tool

Our inclusive behaviour assessment tool involves working with behavioural dynamics and nudging theory in order to drive ‘in the flow of work learning’.

‘Learning in the flow of work’ is a concept where learners can easily and quickly access short pieces of learning content (we call performance actions) that will help them to do their jobs, at the point of need.

Our inclusive behaviour assessment tool contains a potential maximum of 3000 performance actions that operate as an inclusive catalyst.

Our USP is an unprecedented set of performance actions that cut across:

  • Leadership,
  • Discrimination,
  • Ethics,
  • Commitment,
  • Values,
  • Roles and Responsibilities,
  • Communications,
  • Teams and Teamwork,
  • Goals and Objectives,
  • Commercial Drivers,
  • Wellbeing Strategy,
  • Reducing Harassment.

Performance actions are tailored to all role levels within the business.

You choose where you direct the performance actions across the areas shown above, focusing on one to all twelve areas.

You can use the performance actions at either an individual, team or organisation wide level, creating the opportunity for individual step-changes or team dynamic shifts through to seismic strategic change, whatever is required.

We leave behind a common currency and language for managing inclusion, creating a sustainable, developmental legacy that is owned.

What will it achieve?

  • Remove cultural nuances that are blocking change.
  • Help leverage value from differences.
  • Evaluate the contributions that come from people with different backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Help managers capitalise on the skills, talents, and potential of all employees.
  • Reduce the opportunity for discrimination.
  • Reduce the opportunity for harassment.
Our approach to inclusivity creates sustainable change in ways of working.
We put inclusion at the heart of change across business infrastructure, communications networks and culture.
A sustainable inclusion strategy can create an environment that allows ALL employees to understand, embody and deliver the organisation’s objectives.